LeadershipPlenty is a program developed by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change and is being offered in Goldendale through the Horizons program of the Northwest Area Foundation. It is designed to equip citizens with skills like effective communication, conflict management, and partnership building that they can use to work together as community leaders to reduce poverty.
Training dates started with group one on May 10 and runs through May 24-training is Thursday and Saturday; group 2 starts May 23 and runs through June 6-training is Tuesday and Wednesday and group 3 will start May 24 running through July 19-training every Thursday evening. This gives participants several opportunities to attend all training modules!
Registrations are still being accepted at the WSU-Klickitat County Extension office.
Training dates started with group one on May 10 and runs through May 24-training is Thursday and Saturday; group 2 starts May 23 and runs through June 6-training is Tuesday and Wednesday and group 3 will start May 24 running through July 19-training every Thursday evening. This gives participants several opportunities to attend all training modules!
Registrations are still being accepted at the WSU-Klickitat County Extension office.